"side-to-side" or "combined" modes for viewing multiple selections.navigation mode (WASD) for interiors custom view orientation for helmets.flags, numbers and strings) are shown in the GUI. Shown in 3D view (using, as appropriate, textures, wireframe, per-vertex color, animations, customizable skins, alpha channel, xrays - for collision objects, etc) Meshes, Collision objects, Skeletons, Skel-animations, Texture and Material:."Forward" compatibility with Warband BRF files (save/load).Collision objects (including spheres capsules manifold & faces.).Meshes (including vertex-animated & rigged).Loads and saves all contents of BRF files:.Features Basic Features Loading & saving: Once its public release was announced in the Official Forums, it was received with expectation, good critics and a mare magnum of suggestions, slow but steady Marco began to add features from animation support to vertex coloring, investigating Warband's format with zero documentation from part of the TaleWorlds developers, today has been accepted as the de-facto tool by the Mount&Blade modding scene.

Seeing the potential of such a tool, decided to release it publicly as an open source tool, hence the name. Marco, who helped them programming shaders, beautifying the map, in complex tweaking and posting general suggestions and advice. It was originally developed as an internal tool within the The Last Days Mod team.

2.2.4 Reskeletonize tool for rigged meshes:.2.2.3 Simplified skeleton retouching through meshes:.2.2.2 Customizable skinning to view animations:.2.2.1 Autobreak-up of animations into sub-sequences:.2.2 Tools for skeletons/rigging/skeletal-animation.